FP-100 Multi-Taper

- How does it work?
- The FP-100 Multi-Taper Volume Pedal uses a revolutionary technology developed by Telonics Inc. to accurately sense the angular position of the pedal. Using this information it then determines the volume setting according to the taper selected. The sensor isn't mechanically linked like a pot, doesn't use a light beam or led, nor does it work like an old fashion tilt switch; it truly measures angular position.
- How is it powered?
- The pedal is powered using a tranformerless mains supply (PS1, included with pedal: 100-120VAC 60Hz). A worldwide supply (PS2: 90-264VAC 47-63Hz) is available for overseas customers.
- Why is it called "Multi-Taper"?
- The taper of a volume pedal is a measurement of how the volume increases as the pedal is operated. Some types of pedals will rapidly increase the volume at the start of the travel, while the later part of the travel has little effect. Other types will steadily increase through most of the travel, with a little rapid increase towards the end. As a player becomes more experienced, they will tend to select a pedal that gives them the feel they need. With the FP-100, a wide selection of tapers are available with added the benefit of no worries about the "perfect" pot pedal going scratchy or moving out of adjustment.
- The taper of the volume pedal may be adjusted using the "Taper" selector switch on the side of the pedal. Positions 1 to 5 are programmed with popular tapers carefully measured at Telonics using individual pedals known to have an exceptionally good taper, providing the features of a range of pedals in one unit. Positions 6 to 9 are not programmed and may be loaded with new tapers as they are released using the Toolbox software.
- What is the Minimum On?
- The Minimum On adjustment is a small preset pot that can be rotated using the "Trimming Tool" provided with the pedal. By adjusting this control the minimum volume with the pedal in the fully off position can be set. A great feature of this pedal is the Minimum On adjustment may be separately set for each taper. This allows for the programming of two taper positions with the same taper, but have different Minimum On settings.
- What is Input Impedance?
- Some players intentionally use lower value pots in their pedals that "load" the pickups and this affects the frequency response of the output. By adjusting the Input Impedance preset pot, the FP-100 input impedance can be set, creating the loading effect. The input impedance can be maximized by setting the preset pot fully clockwise (factory default). This is a global setting and applies to all tapers.
- Inputs and Outputs
- The mono pedal has one Input, two Outputs and one Tuner output. The Tuner output is always on regardless of pedal position, and doubles as a Sensor input. For players that find it difficult to operate a volume pedal, a plug-in TMRS sensor can be supplied. This miniature sensor can be mounted on a cap; simply nodding your head backwards and forwards will allow the wearer to control the volume. The stereo pedal has two Inputs and two Outputs, but no Tuner output.
- High Profile or Low Profile?
- High and Low profile refer to the pivot shaft position. By moving the shaft backwards, the pedal height is reduced. This only decreases the height by a few millimeters, but the extra leg clearance on a pedal steel for those players with long legs may be necessary. Players that use cowboy boots may also find the Low Profile pedal easier to use. For the majority of players, especially those that wear flat-sole shoes, the High profile pedal will feel more balanced on the foot and clearance shouldn't be an issue.
- What is the difference between the "Standard" and "Pro" pedal?
- The standard volume pedal has been optimised to provide a flat response over the normal frequency range of the guitar. Beyond the normal frequency limits, the frequency response has been gently rolled off so unwanted signals are removed. For most applications this pedal will provide a superior sound. For E9 only steel players this pedal is always recommended. For instruments that generate very low frequencies, such as 5 string bass guitar or very high frequency harmonics, such as keyboards, the "Pro" model is recommended. For some C6 players or E9 players that pick very cleanly and like to hear the pick attack, the Pro pedal might be preferred.
- What is the Toolbox software?
- A programming port on the pedal allows it to be connected to a PC for firmware updates and modification of tapers. Check the Support section for more information. The Toolbox software is available free of charge to all pedal owners.
- What is the Blue Light for?
- The blue LED, under normal operation, serves to illuminate the pedal board, but it also acts as a error indicator. If, for example, a bad supply is detected, the pedal is sitting at an odd angle, or an internal fault condition is detected, the LED will flash. The LED can be set to normally off if required; in this state it will only be lit if an error is detected.
For more information, download the user manual from the support section.
For prices, options and accessories refer to the pricing information.