Parameter Configuration Utility for Gen3 GPS
The Telonics Parameter Configuration Utility - Gen3 is a powerful software tool for configuring the various parameters of the Telonics GPS Gen3 systems. Telonics GPS users now have a way to quickly customize their own GPS systems, even prior to delivery of the product. PCU-3 gives users the ability to modify specific aspects of their GPS systems, including transmission intervals and gps fix intervals. Some of the benefits include:
- Flexibility. Modify a configuration right up until deployment. Set up a pre-deployment test, transmission periods, gps fix intervals, and other parameters.
- Customization. Create a custom set of parameters specific to your application.

Available for Download
Download v3.07.0004, 2008.07.23 (PCU-Setup-3.07.0004.exe 9,947,628 bytes)
PCU-3 is designed for ease of use. The software will provide printable reports detailing the schedules and options you specified. It will also generate warnings and error messages to help you correct potential problems.
After starting Parameter Configuration Utility, you will select a default record or a previously saved record from the parameters database, or you may read the parameters from a gps system into the program to then be modified. Parameters to be modified include:
- GPS Parameters
- Argos PTT Parameters
- Temperature Sensor Parameters
- Activity Monitoring Parameters
- Transmitter and GPS fix interval schedules
Once you have configured your system settings, you can save them to the database and can create as many configurations as you desire. Programming your system is as simple as connecting to it via a standard COM port and clicking a button. You can also retrieve the settings contained in your system and view or modify them in Parameter Configuration Utility.
Another important feature of PCU-3 is the "simulation window", which provides a graphical representation of your customized schedules, both GPS fix schedule and Argos PTT transmit schedule. Use this feature to get an overview of the entire study duration.
PCU-3 also supports the following additional features:
- Supports "28-bit" Argos PTT IDs (IDs greater than 32767)
- Has Salt Water Switch capabilities for systems that are using in the marine environment
- Schedules may be defined by "Calendar Day of Year" or by "Number of Days" (from deployment)
System Requirements
- Intel® Pentium® II 300 MHz or higher
- Microsoft® Windows® 98/2000/XP
- Available COM port
- At least 30 MB available hard disk space
- CD-ROM drive
- Video card capable of 800x600 resolution
Version History
What's New in Version 3.04.0000?
Added firmware support for "N4040816".
What's New in Version 3.03.0000?
This version provides new features in addition to bug fixes:
- Increased number of displayed scheduled fixes in "Simulation". This allows the user to see scheduled fixes further into the deployment schedule (up to the maximum on-board storage space.
- New firmware version allows user to enable or disable VHF beacon transmitter.