ADC-T03 Argos Data Converter for Gen3 GPS
ADC-T03 is a program designed to facilitate decoding and conversion of Argos data transmitted by Telonics Gen3 GPS/Argos systems. The program allows you to convert data received from: Service Argos, a Telonics Local User Terminal (LUT), or Telonics Satellite Uplink Receiver. The programs coverts the data to readable form and creates files that you can access using Microsoft® Excel® or other spreadsheet programs.

Download v4.04.0011, 2010.11.12 (ADC-T03-Setup-4.04.0011.exe 1,791,040 bytes)
Download v4.03.0010, 2010.03.30 (ADC-T03-Setup-4.03.0010.exe 1,774,000 bytes)
Download v3.03.0006, 2003.09.29 (ADC-T03-Setup-3.03.0006.exe 1,553,797 bytes)
If you already have a previous version of this software installed, you should uninstall it before installing the new version. This can be done in the typical Windows® fashion (Windows Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs, select the program, then click the Remove button).
- Supports Argos DS files in both A1 (decimal) and A2 (hexadecimal) formats.
- Supports Telonics TSUR B Uplink Receiver directly via serial port.
- Supports Telonics TSUR-400 Uplink Receiver directly via serial port.
- Processes Uplink Receiver data that has been captured to a disk file.
- Processes Telonics Local User Terminal Detail Report files.
- Provides an efficient method for entering GPS/Argos system information.
- Supports "28-bit" Argos PTT IDs (IDs greater than 32767).
- Provides the date and time the messages were transmitted by your GPS/Argos system.
- Provides GPS position information expressed as latitude and longitude.
- Provides the date and time GPS positions were acquired.
- Determines if the GPS position or time information contains data errors.
- Displays GPS subsystem error information.
- Creates or updates comma-delimited or tab-delimited text files (based on Argos ID code) that can be accessed and manipulated using spreadsheet programs and/or other data analysis tools.
- Runs under Windows® 2000, XP, Vista and 7.
Configuring Argos Services
ADC-T03 requires specific Argos processing options. Before your deployment begins, please contact Argos and request the following settings for your Argos Technical File:
- 32 8-bit sensors for Argos IDs less than 32768; 31 8-bit sensors for all other Argos IDs (including new IDs).
- Message length is variable, so length should not be checked.
- Decimal/A1 (recommended) or Hexadecimal/A2 formatting.
Telonics recommends that you use ArgosDirect (formerly known as Argos Automated Distribution Service or ADS) to receive your data. When you contact Argos, please request ArgosDirect service with the following settings:
- Select the "DS" data format, which includes all validated locations and all messages collected by all satellites.
- Select the "Attached text file (.txt)" output format.
- Do not specify that your data be "compressed".
- Do not request data encryption.
- Select email as your delivery option and specify an email address.
Minimum System Requirements
- Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
- Display: 800 x 600, 256 colors
- Hard disk: 5.2 MB available space
- Ports: One standard serial (COM) port for use with TSUR B or TSUR-400 uplink receivers
Version History
What's New in Version 4.04.0011?
- Improved the behavior of the DS file processor when detecting invalid transmission records in the input data stream. The DS file processor now performs additional checks on invalid records to determine the proper course of action. If certain criteria are met, the DS file processor will continue processing transmission records for the involved PTT ID for the balance of the satellite pass (rather than discarding any remaining transmission records for the involved PTT ID for balance of the satellite pass, as was done in V4.03.0010).
- Corrected formatting of multi-line information dialogs under Windows® Vista and Windows® 7.
- Implemented modifications to achieve Windows® 7 Software Logo Testing compliance. As a result of this process, all executable files (.exe and .dll), including those in the installer and uninstaller, are now signed with a VeriSign digital signature. Digital signatures authenticate the source and verify the integrity of the content.
- Note to V4.03.0010 users: your current serial number will work with V4.04.0011.
What's new in version 4.03.0010?
- Added support for Argos DS files formatted with six-digit IDs.
- Added support for Windows® Vista and Windows® 7.
- Added support for users operating with a non-administrator level logon (the program must still be installed by a user with administrator privilidges).
- Enhanced the Help System. The help system was converted from WinHelp to HTML Help and material was added to support Windows® Vista and Windows® 7 installations.
- Note to V4.01.0008 users: your current serial number will work with V4.03.0010.
What's new in version 4.01.0008?
- Modified the data processing architecture to operate properly on PCs using dual CPUs (or dual-core CPUs) and high performance disk systems. The symptom related to this issue was typically one in which the transmissions in the first satellite pass of the data file were excluded from the conversion process.
- Modified the program to process the last line of a data file even if that line is not properly terminated with a carriage return and line feed character sequence. This condition can arise when copying/pasting/saving the data from an e-mail message. The symptom related to this issue was generally a failure to process the last one or two fixes in the last transmission of the file, and possible the last transmission in its entirety.
- Corrected placement of the program window on startup in the dual-monitor environment. In this environment, depending on monitor configuration, the program would start split between the two monitors, or centered on the edge of the "main" monitor so that only half of the program window was visible.
- Added the display of an error message for the case in which the input data file is currently in use (opened with exclusive access) by another program. In previous versions, this condition was detected, but no error was issued.
- Added the End-User License Agreement to the program help system.
- Added uninstallation instructions to the program help system.
- De-listed Windows® 98 as a supported operating system. ADC-T03 is now supported in the Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP environments only.
- Note to V4.00.0007 users: your current serial number will work with V4.01.0008.
What's new in version 4.00.0007?
- Corrected a bug that caused Argos DS transmission data to be processed and displayed with incorrect PTT ID and "Invalid" status, when in fact the transmission should not have been processed at all.
- Corrected program splash dialog display on systems using Large Fonts.
- Added a demonstration mode of operation. If you are not currently an ADC-T03 user, and wish to try before you buy, this is now possible. You simply download, install, and run the program (without entering a registration serial number). In demo mode, latitude and longitude resolution will be limited to whole degrees (all digits past the decimal point will be set to 0). While this limits the usability of the processed data, you should be able to get acquainted with ADC-T03, and determine if it is appropriate for your needs.
- Added the capability to process data from PTTs (programmed with GPS schedules specified by "Number of days") that acquire GPS positions using an irregular fix interval. Note: This capability is not "automatic" and requires that you modify the contents of the ADC_T03.ini file. Contact Telonics if your PTT is programmed to acquire GPS positions in this manner.
- Added the capability to specify PTT parameters manually. In cases where it is inconvenient to obtain PTT parameter files or in cases where your PTT is running a simple GPS acquisition schedule (single season, with a constant fix interval), you are now able to specify PTT ID, Hexadecimal ID string, and GPS fix interval manually.
- Added support for the Telonics TSUR-400 Uplink Receiver.
- Added the capability to process a list of input files.
- Added the capability to process all input files in a specified folder.
- Added the capability to relocate input files after they have been processed.
- Added a tab-delimited output file format.
- Added a GPS coordinate formatting option. In addition to the existing alphanumeric format (111.8113W, 33.3842N for example), a signed format is now available. West longitude and south latitude are represented by negative numbers, while east longitude and north latitude are represented by positive numbers.
- Note to V1.xx.xxxx & V3.xx.xxxx users: If you wish to use ADC-T03 V4.xx.xxxx, you will need to purchase a new serial number. Contact Telonics and provide your current serial number to take advantage of reduced upgrade pricing.
What's new in version 3.03.0006?
- Corrected a bug that caused Argos DS transmission data to be discarded or processed and displayed with an incorrect PTT ID code and written to the wrong output (.csv) file.
When processing a transmission that was tagged with a numeric satellite ID (rather than an alphabetic ID) the line of the transmission containing the satellite ID (and PTT ID code) was being discarded. This had two possible outcomes:
1) If the transmission occurred at the beginning of the file and a valid PTT ID had not yet been detected, the entire transmission was discarded.
2) If a valid PTT ID had been detected in a previous transmission, the data was processed using the PTT ID from the previous transmission.
In cases where the input DS file contained transmissions from only one PTT, and the file began with one or more transmissions tagged with a numeric satellite ID, those transmissions would be discarded. The remaining transmissions would be processed correctly.
In cases where the input DS file contained transmissions from multiple PTTs, and a transmission containing a numeric satellite ID was encountered, the transmission would be 1) discarded if the transmission was at the beginning of the file (before a valid PTT ID had been detected, or 2) processed using the PTT ID from the last transmission processed (possibly a different PTT ID). - Modified the program installer. The installer no longer requires a serial number in order to install the program.
- Modified ADC-T03 to require the user to enter a serial number in order to process data. To enter the serial number, click the About button, click the Enter Serial Number button, enter the serial number, and finally, click the OK button. The serial number format is the same as was used during installation in previous versions. The serial number need only be entered once following installation. Note to V3.xx.xxxx users: your current serial number will work with V3.03.0006.
- Corrected display of the PTT Properties dialog box on systems using "Large Fonts".
- Corrected the help text. ADC-T03 does not currently support the TSUR-400 Uplink Receiver.