TBT-550-3 VHF Trapsite Transmitter
Dimensions L x D (in, cm) | Weight (g) | Battery Life, Standard Power (months) |
Battery Life, High Power (months) |
4.7 x 1.45 dia 11.94 x 3.68 dia |
230 | 90 | 50 |
This version of the trapsite transmitter is typically attached to the trap "drag". Thus, in addition to pulse rate indicating a triggered trap, it can help locate the trapped animal if it moves from the trapsite.
Hermetically sealed case allows for extended deployments at the most extreme temperatures and most humid/wet environments.
Lithium power packs support operation from +70°C to -40°C, but necessitate shipping as hazardous goods.
Units can be shut down with a magnet for storage and turned on for redeployment next trapping session or season.
Units can be refurbished by Telonics, but batteries are not field-replaceable.